Thursday, December 11, 2008

Final Exam Frame #2

Frame II

“A writer’s view of writing”

From Peter Elbows perspective it is absolutely necessary to establish a writing process in order to explain his/her views of writing. His view of writing really begins with the writing process. Using it is beneficial when it comes to how you organize your views within an essay. He also believes that the writing process can definitely be improved by giving students the opportunity to have a group of peers to share their writing with. From my experience in writing 101 this quarter I found it beneficial to have peer review where we can give and also get comments on pros and cons to our writing. I entirely agree with Elbow on his view of writing because it’s essential to having a productive essay to have peers to talk to about your writing. While writing you can often get stuck and having those peers to go to is something to look forward to when writing an essay.

Peter Elbows view of writing matched my view of writing well because writing is something that takes creativity and lots of practice. The peer review really gave me a good understanding of what I needed to focus on and fix to make my essays better. Like Peter Elbow, I believe that group work does highlight the “interactive nature of creativity,” but I also feel that having the group peer review didn’t always benefit me. For example, many people just focused on what was working in the essay and didn’t give any feed back as to what I should work on. That is the whole objective of having peer review isn’t it? Well Elbow said that, “If they don’t agree or have trouble understanding, so much the better- so long as their minds are not closed.” I feel that many minds were closed during peer review, I don’t know if that was because they didn’t want to give feedback or they just were posting so they would get credit but I would’ve really liked to get some good constructive criticism to work off of. Overall my experience in writing 101 has changed my view of writing drastically, like before, in other classes where we would have to write a boring 5 paragraph structured essay with no peer review. Peter Elbow and I are on the same page when it comes to having a writing process and using peer review to benefit our writing.

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