Monday, November 17, 2008

Essay #2 outline (Connecticut Loyalist) RE-DO #2

During the 1760s and 1770s, the years leading up to the American Revolution, forced many people to choose to be loyalist or patriot.

----I: Britain was all about gaining power at this time but, didn't have everything to effectively do so.
1) They would force and persuade many neutrals to gain their trust and allegiance.
a. Neutrals were people that didn't know what side to be on and the choice didn't matter so much to them.
b. Being a Neutralist was very powerful at this time because they could either choose to be a loyalist or a patriot.
c. Patriots were favored by the British because they seemed to have power and were very forceful towards the loyalists.
2) Being a loyalist wasn't always a bad thing, if you were loyalist, you had good connections to England by culture and economics.
a. The main reason that England and Loyalist had a connection was because they both believed in having a monarchy and aristocracy in government, making it stable.
b. A large amount of loyalists continued being loyal to the crown in the 1770s, to keep the power that they had, intact.
c. The patriots only task was to increase their own power, by being violent and vulgar to the loyalists.
3) The social issues effecting the choice to be loyalist or patriot are the acts in which the British treat the loyalists.
a. The British and the patriots called loyalists Tories, which was a slang or rude term to describe the loyalists.
----II: Being loyalist, I understand what Britain and the patriots think of me.
1) Yet I will stand up for myself and my fellow loyalists no matter what because that is my choice.
a. I know that the patriots are favored by the British and will be backed up by the British, but I also know that I'm not the only loyalist, not by a long shot.
b. The state of Connecticut is where I'm from and patriots are much more favorable than loyalist.
c. Maybe compare and contrast "Patriots and Loyalists" --- Here

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